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Shipping agency services for TTD Vympel

2022-10-06 19:37
Shipping agency services for the Vympel — transport-transferring dock — took part in the summer of 2018 and became one of the first significant projects for SDS Shipping company. For today Vympel TTD, built in China and delivered to Vladivostok via towing, is the largest transport-transferring dock in Russia, capable of lifting vessels weighing up to 70 000 tons. Our works on agency services were complicated by the necessity to arrange direct vessel call at the Bolshoy Kamen bay, but SDS Shipping specialists successfully provided TTD’s technical acceptance and did everything necessary for the safe entry of the dock into the bay. We also provided pilotage and towing escort for Vympel’s re-moorings and sea trials, including 3 re-moorings in the summer of 2019.